And this fantastic glass artist over at The Garden of Leah is giving one away. How perfect. Even better is that she makes the most wonderful glass mobiles, figurines,and jewelry.
I first came across her work last year when I joined a "mobile swap" and she was kind enough to give this novice some pointers on balance, materials, etc. Thanks Leah!
Of course, I then purchased a few of the computer monitor mobiles from her. We love them. They’re on our monitors and offer a lovely distraction from computer woes.
She has a great Etsy shop, where I could easily spend Robert’s money on this, and this, or many other things. She doesn’t have the large Chakra Circles up on her site right now, but they’re GORGEOUS!
Anyway, go on over and explore The Garden of Leah (my Hebrew name!), you’re going to love it.
Thanks Lisa!