I received my PIF from Anita today. Thanks Anita! The neatest thing? She included a card that mentioned that she used to live about four miles from me here in Scottsdale. Small world! The requirement of Anita’s PIF is that…
Food Court Musical
This, is funny. And here’s a link to the background information on this musical. Pretty interesting. It explains how they are connected to the mall’s public address system.
Midas – Golden Retriever – RIP
We used to do foster care for one of the Golden Retriever rescues here in Phoenix. This meant that we would basically be the dog’rents for a Golden until we found him/her their forever home. It was great. We had…
I Actually CAN Manipulate Electricity
Which makes the following timewaster that much more interesting. Your Superpower Should Be Manipulating Electricity You’re highly reactive, energetic, and super charged. If the occasion calls for it, you can go from 0 to 60 in a split second. But…
Blog Headers
My latest blog pet peeve… when people have fancy blog headers that are actually *.jpgs that go to Photobucket, or Flickr, rather than have them hyperlinked back to their Blog’s main page. Blog headers, website home page graphics… they should…
Shopping Carts
The real ones, not online. If you know where this is going, you can just skip this post. I’m about to rant. Things that frustrate me about people who can’t return their carts to the cart corral or the store:…