I apologize if this is a repeat post. I couldn’t find the old one, so here is a new one.
Please please please buy dishwashing detergent that is phosphate-free. Why? Because it’s better for the environment. Phosphates go into the sewer system which eventually ends up in lakes, oceans, etc. and little fish everywhere hate us. Algae blooms form and the delicate ecosystems of the world collapse.
You don’t have to take my word for it, just read this article.
So, here is what I use for dishwashing detergent, Ecover dishwashing tablets. There are many options out there for phosphate-free dishwashing detergent. Trader Joe’s has both a liquid and a powder. They’re supposed to be wonderful. I just happen to prefer tablets.
Now, if you have clouded glassware, or spotted glassware, that is probably from hard water. We had this problem as well. And we have a water softener, both on the house, and in our dishwasher. Use this product though, Lemi Shine. It removes hard water stains, it cleans your dishwasher, it’s an all-around great product. And, it’s phosphate free!
I have these tablets and LOVE them. They do SUCH a better job than the garbage ones I used to buy with a brand name starting with a C and ending in an “ascade” before I discovered these.